Note: CCPR is undergoing critical program research and exam review in 2020-21. Plan now to sit for the Certified Construction Product Representative (CCPRTM) with a revised exam in fall 2021. Be on the lookout for an updated Candidate Handbook in summer 2021.

CCPRTM Overview

A Certified Construction Product Representative (CCPR) is a valued resource called upon by the design team again and again. Getting your CCPR means:

  • More effective sales calls, presentations, construction meetings and product shows
  • Knowing the key parts of product binders and other marketing collateral
  • Understanding roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in the project, and how and when to communicate with them
  • Understanding all phases of the construction documentation, and your role in each phase
  • Speaking the same language as the design and contractor teams
  • Being recognized for your achievement by adding the designation "CCPR" after your name, on LinkedIn, business cards and on resume